Analyze financial markets using price action

Take your trading and investing skills to the next level by applying techniques that offer actionable value in any market: stocks, cryptocurrencies, forex and more.








Unique Market Perspective

Explore my price action analysis course for beginners


Learn to listen to the market


Better decision making with less information

Professional grade instruction

Receive constructive feedback from a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) and seasoned trader with more than 20 years of experience.

Control risk and improve confidence

Identify, organize and evaluate only the most valuable market information while minimizing risk, confusion and noise.

Assignment driven format

Hands on, boot camp style format emphasizes "doing" which improves retention and market interpretation.

Your rules, your strategy

Shave YEARS off your learning curve by focusing on a select group of techniques that provide the building blocks for a personal strategy.

What other followers say

Thanks for all the great information over the years. You have really got my mind in the right place trading. Thanks to you I have been making more right moves than wrong moves.
Sam S.
With following Marc's routines, I confidently understand risks and trade situations when I see them, created my own long term portfolios, and sometimes initiate my own swing trades as well. Also realized what is reasonable profit to expect in this game, which is a hard and costly experience if you follow some fake tutors you find everywhere.
Bela K.
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Frequently asked questions

What is price action analysis?

Price action analysis is a form of technical analysis that evaluates and compares the actual movement of the price of a financial asset to better guide trade and investment decisions. The main idea being that all of the known information in the world that can affect a particular asset is reflected in the current price. This means you can make informed decisions with minimal information. Price action helps traders and investors analyze and trade any market, without pouring countless hours into fundamental research, following news, or being confused by complicated charts.                                   

What can you offer that I cannot get at other online schools?

Other online schools, educators and "gurus" will sell you big dreams, lifestyle and hope by conveying a message that you will be able to trade/invest at a professional level in a relatively short time. In contrast, here you will gain practical market timing knowledge and learn how to navigate the realities of being a retail trader. Instead of obtaining the "secret" strategy that will solve all your problems, you will develop the thought process, behaviors and routines that make up the foundation of an effective trading or investment strategy. In other words you will become familiar with the building blocks and then learn to assemble them into a set of rules that fit your own personal style, financial situation and objectives.

Isn't trading and analysis the same thing?

No. The typical training program will bundle analysis and trading together as if they are the same. Technical analysis involves interpreting historical price data in order to anticipate potential market opportunities and assign risk to them. Trading is more of a thought framework that involves constant adjustment to new market information as it relates to a predetermined scenario or to managing risk within the scope of a specific strategy. The programs here focus on analysis which serves as an important component to any trading strategy.

Can I get a refund?

While the methods and techniques in the program(s) are available anywhere, the way they are used here to evaluate markets is unique. There are numerous references and resources available to help you better determine if the curriculum and specific training is right for you. For that reason, there is a strict no refund policy. If you are unsure, do not hesitate to reach out with your questions.
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